The Bidding Documents For ICB Procurement of Mechanic & Electronic Products(Volume One) The Bidding Documents For ICB Procurement ofMechanic & Electronic Products (Volume One) Mechanic & Electronic Products Import & Export Department Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation P.R.C 2002Total Table of Contents Volume One Section l. Instructions to Bidders Section 2. Terms and Conditions of Contract Section 3. Contract Form Section 4. Attachments Volume TwoSection 5. Invitation for Bids Section 6. Bid Data Sheet Section 7. Contract Data Sheet Section 8. Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specif1cations Table of Contents Section 1. Instructions To Bidders6A. lntroduction 71. Source of Funds 7 2. Tendering Agent for ICB Procurement of Mechanic and Electronic Products and Eligible Bidders 7 3. Eligible Goods and Services 7 4. Cost of Bid 8 B. The Bidding Documents 8 5. Content of Bidding Documents 8 6. Clarification of Bidding Documents 9 7. Amendment of Bidding Documents 9 C. Preparation of Bids 98. Language of Bid 9 9. Documents Comprising the Bid 9 10. Bid Form 10 11. Bid Prices 10 12. Bid Currencies 11 13. Documents Es tablishing Bidder’ s Eligibility and Q11aliacations 11 14. Documents Establishing Goods’ Eligibility and Conformity to Bidding Documents 1215. Bid Security 13 16. Period of Validity of Bids 13 l7. Format and Signing of Bids 14 D. Submission of Bids 1418. Sealing and Marking of Bids 14 19. Deadline for Submission of Bids 15 20. Late Bids 15 21. Modif1cation and Withdrawal of Bids 15 E. Opening and Evaluation of Bids 1522. Opening of Bids 16 23. Clarification of Bids 16 24. Preliminary Examination 16 25. Conversion to Single Currency 17 26. Evaluation and Comparison of...