16 年第三套真题听力 Conversation One 对话一 M: So, what's the next thing on the agenda, Mary? 男:玛丽,议程表上的下一项是什么? W: Well, it's the South Theater Company. 女:是有关南方剧院公司的。 They want to know if we 'd be interested insponsoring a tour they want to make to East Asia. 他们想知道我们是否对赞助他们去东亚旅行感兴趣。 M: East Asia? Uh ... and how much are they hopingto get from us? 男:东亚?呃...他们希望我们出多少赞助费? W: Well, the letter mentions 20,000 pounds, but I do not know if they might settle for less. 女:信上写的是2 万英镑,但是我不知道赞助金额少点他们是否会接受。 M: Do they say what they would cover? 男:他们有没有说这些钱用来做什么? Have they anything specific in mind? 他们有没有一些特定的想法? W: No, I think they are just asking all the firms in town for as much money as they think they'llgive. 女:没有,我认为他们只是想要镇上所有企业拿出其认为该企业能赞助的金额。 M: And we are worth 20,000 pounds, right? 男:在他们看来,我们能拿出 2 万英镑,对吧? W: It seems so. 女:看起来是这样的。 M: Very flattering. 男:太会奉承了。 But I am not awfully happy with the idea. 但是我对这个想法并不是很满意。 What do we get out of it? 我们能得到什么好处? W: Oh, good publicity I suppose. 女:我猜想是很好的广告宣传。 So what I suggest is not that we just give them a sum of money, but that we offer to pay forsomething specific like travel or something, 我的建议是:我们不要只是给他们一笔钱就完事了,我们可以赞助像旅行之类的特定项目。 and that in return, we ask for our name to be printed prominently in the program, 这样,我们就可以要求他们把我们公司的名字显著地标示在项目宣传上。 and that they give us free advertising space in it. 他们也就给了我们免费的广告空间。 M: But the travel bill would be enormous, and we could never m...