1 2 0 1 5 高三二模英语翻译 闵行 82. 昨晚我很累,没做完作业就睡了。(without) 83. 无论多忙,我们都应该经常花时间与父母说说话。(spend) 84. 学生是否必须穿校服,校方和家长各执一词。(opinion) 85. 虽然这种产品有利环保,但因其价格昂贵,几乎无人问津。(in favor of) 86. 骑车不仅能让我们体格强健,还有助于我们免受日益严重的交通拥堵之苦。(suffer) 82. I was so tired last night that I went to bed without finishing my homework. 83. However busy we are, we should regularly spend some time talking with our parents. 84. The school (authority) and parents have / hold different opinions on whether students must wear school uniforms. 85. Although this product is in favor of environmental protection, few people show interest in / would like to buy it because of its high price. 86. Cycling can not only make us physically strong, but also help us avoid suffering from the increasingly serious traffic jams. 徐汇 1. 众所周知,大量砍树对自然平衡有灾难性的影响。(As) 2. 她的父母忙于工作,因此她在年幼时就学会了照顾自己。(age) 3. 这部滑稽的电影的确分散了我注意力,让我暂时忘记了这些难题。(which) 4. 考官在面试时问了他很多问题,为的是了解他是否能胜任科学研究工作。(in order to) 5. 正因为是他被任命为经理,该公司在过去的十年中迅速发展为广告业巨头。(It) 1. As we all know/ As is known to all, cutting down a large number of trees has disastrous effects on the balance of nature. 2. Her parents were busy with work, so she learned to take care of/look after herself at an early age. 3. This funny movie did distract my attention, which made me forget these tough problems for 2 the time being. 4. The interviewer asked him many questions during the interview in order to see if /whether he was capable of doing scientific research. 5. It was because he was appointed as manager that ...