2015 ICM Problem C Managing Human Capital in Organizations 组织中的人力资本管理 Building an organization filled with good, talented, well-trained people is one of the keys to success. But to do this, an organization needs to do more than recruit and hire the best candidates – they also need to retain good people, keep them properly trained and placed in proper positions, and eventually target new hires to replace those leaving the organization. Individuals play unique roles within their organizations, both formally and informally. Thus, the departure of individuals from an organization leaves important informational and functional components missing that need to be replaced. This is true for sports teams, commercial companies, schools and universities, governments, and almost any formal group or organization of people. 构建一个组织填充好,有才华的,训练有素的人是成功的关键之一。但是这样做,组织需要做更多的招聘和雇用最好的候选人–也需要保持良好的人,让他们适当的训练并放在合适的位置,最终目标新员工来取代那些离开组织。个人发挥独特的作用,在他们的组织,正式和非正式的。因此,从组织个体离开留下重要的信息和功能组件丢失,需要更换。这是真正的运动队,商业公司,学校,政府,和几乎任何正式的团体或组织的人 Human resource (HR) specialists help senior leadership manage personnel by improving retention and motivation, coordinating training, and building good teams. In particular, leaders seek to create an effective organizational structure, where people are assigned to positions appropriate to their talents and experience, and where efficient communication systems are in place to facilitate development of innovative ideas and quality products (commodities or services). These talent management and team building aspects of HR management are remaking many modern organizations. 人力资...