2013 高考英语书面表达范文(涵盖所有热点) 预测一:高考改革、关注高考 预测题(1)取消高考听力的利弊,高考英语或一年考多次 从 2014 年起,山东将在高考中取消英语听力测试。消息一出,争议声四起。请根据以下提示,写一篇120-150 词的短文,并谈谈你自己的看法。 1、赞成者认为,此举将减轻考生负担、避免高考群体性事件 、照顾城乡差距。 2、 反对者认为,这个决策将直接影响到我国中小学英语教学,或导致“聋子英语”“哑巴英语”严重回潮。 3、减负并不是取消,而是如何进行高考英语改革,比如,针对英语的特点,高考英语或一年考多次,实现更大公平,为学生提供更多出彩的机会。 参考词汇:高考改革 College Entrance Examination Reform 取消 cancel 缩小城乡差距reduce the city and countryside disparity 引起 trigger 【参考范文】 It is reported that the listening test will have been canceled in the English College Entrance Examination of Shandong province since 2014. The news triggers a heated discussion among the people who are concerned about the most important examination. Some people hold that the burden of the students will be reduced without listening. Also, it tends to avoid such public affairs as happened among the examinees and help to reduce the city and countryside disparity. There are other people, however, who are against this decision on this reform. They argue that this policy may influence negatively the English teaching method of senior or junior middle schools and even primary schools all over the country, for it is most likely to result in rebirth of “Deaf English” or “Dumb English”. In my opinion, college entrance examinationis supposed to examine all aspects of English learning including listening,speaking, reading and writing. It is hardly possible for an examination without listing to assess students’ overall langua ge ability. As to reducing students’burden, what matters is how to ...