2013年美国大学生数学建模竞赛(M CM ICM )参赛规则中英文对照2 ICM: The InterdisciplinaryContest in ModelingICM: 交叉学科建模竞赛 ContestRules, Registration and Instructions 比赛规则,报名注册和指导 (All rules and instructions apply to both ICM and MCM contests, except where otherwisenoted.) (所有MCM 的说明和规则除特别说明以外都适用于ICM) To participate in a contest, each team must be sponsored by a faculty advisor fromits institution. 参加MCM 的每个队伍需有一名在职的高校老师负责指导。 TeamAdvisors: Please read these instructions carefully. It isyour responsibility to make sure that teams are correctly registered and thatall of the following steps required for participation in the contest arecompleted:Pleaseprint a copy of these contest instructions for reference before, during, andafter the contest. Click here for the printer friendly version. 指导老师:请认真阅读这些说明事项,确保完成了所有相关的项。每位指导教师的责任包括确保每个参赛队正确注册并正确完成参加MCM/ICM 所要求的相关步骤。请在比赛前做一份《竞赛注册和指导》的拷贝,以便在竞赛时和结束后作为参考。 COMAP is pleased to announce a new supplement to the MCM/ICM contest. Click here to read more details. 组委会很高兴宣布一个新的补充赛事(针对MCM/ICM 比赛)。点击这里阅读详情 I.BEFORE THE CONTEST BEGINS: 1.竞赛前 A. Registration A.注册 B. Chooseyour team members B.选好参赛队成员 II.AFTER THE CONTEST BEGINS: 2.竞赛开始之后 A. View the contest problems via the contestweb site A.通过竞赛的网址查看题目 B. Choose a problem B.选题 C. Teams prepare solutions C.参赛队准备解决方案 D. Print Summary Sheet and Control Sheet D.打印摘要和控制页面 III.BEFORE THE CONTEST ENDS: 3.竞赛结束之前 A. Send electronic copy of Solution ** by email A.发送电子版论文。 IV.WHEN THE CONTEST ENDS: 4.竞赛结束的时候 A. Prepare Solution Packet A. 准备...