
从幽默的“不协调理论”看《哈克贝利﹒费恩历险记》分析研究 英语学专业VIP专享VIP免费

从幽默的“不协调理论”看《哈克贝利﹒费恩历险记》分析研究 英语学专业_第1页
从幽默的“不协调理论”看《哈克贝利﹒费恩历险记》分析研究 英语学专业_第2页
从幽默的“不协调理论”看《哈克贝利﹒费恩历险记》分析研究 英语学专业_第3页
题 目 On The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the Perspective of The Incongruity Theory of Humor从幽默的“不协调理论”看《哈克贝利 ﹒费 恩历险记》AcknowledgementI want to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Zhang Baolai. Without him, I can never finish my paper. At the beginning of writing this paper, I had no idea of how to arrange it. Mr. Zhang brought me great hope with his constantly encouragement and patient guidance, and finally I can have a clear arrangement to my thesis.I also want to say thank you to my dear parents and my younger sister, who companied and cared for me all the time. It’s really an uneasy journey to complete this thesis and they are the one who encouraged me to overcome the pressure and difficulties. My thanks also goes to my friends, with whom I spent my valuable and wonderful four years. I really learned a lot from them.AbstractAs a well –know humorist and a prolific writer, Mark Twain is regarded as a literary giant. He creates lots of famous short stories and novels with his talented gift, among which the most famous novel is his masterpiece The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This book gains its popularity in literatus, even in the world. Hence, there are so many people study this novel form different perspectives .In this paper ,the author will analyze it from the perspective of incongruity, to find out the using of incongruity theory in the novel and its humor effects. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is a general introduction to Mark twain and the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Chapter two is literature view to have a broad outline of previous study of this novel. Chapter three will help us to...

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