1浅谈铁路桥梁工程施工对环境所产生的影响Discuss the impact of project construction on the environment of railway Bridges 在近来几年中,有许多铁路工程项目开工,尤其是客运专线工程逐步开端很多投入建造。为了能够使客运专线工程技术需求得到必定的满意,桥梁长度在线路总长中占有较大的份额。桥梁的很多设置,在必定程度上能够使土地的占用得以削减,但是在施工进程中,构成的泥浆、弃渣、污水排放、扬尘、噪声等环境影响也大概导致满意的注重。In recent few years, there are many railway construction project, especially the special line for passenger transport project start many built step by step. Technical requirements in order to be able to make the special line for passenger transport project is bound to be satisfied, in bridge length of occupies a large share. Bridges of many Settings, the degree must be able to make land utilization can be cut, but in the process of construction, made of mud, abandon slag, sewage, dust, noise and other environmental impacts may also lead to satisfactory pay attention to. 铁路桥梁工程施工大致能够划分为以下几方面进程:根底工程施工、墩台浇筑、梁片架起以及浇筑、桥面系施工等。桥梁施工的首要环境影响会集在根底施工期间。Railway bridge construction process roughly can be divided into the following several aspects: foundation construction, set up and pouring pile casting, beam, floor system construction, etc. Bridge construction of the primary environmental impact have gathered during the foundation construction. 一、桥梁根底施工对水环境的影响 The construction of water environment, bridge foundation 铁路桥梁根底工程施工首要选用钻孔灌注桩根底。钢护筒定位、下沉、钻孔、下置钢筋笼、浇筑混凝土等都归于钻孔桩作业所包含的环节。钻机大多数都选用旋挖钻、冲击钻和旋转钻,在钻孔进程中,为了能够使孔壁的安稳得到有效地确保,通常情况下,选用泥浆护壁。钻孔桩施工进程中简单发生的首要环境疑问有以下几方面: 2http://www.tssdbg.cn/...