下载后可任意编辑浅谈 BRT 轻质芯模现浇混凝土空心楼盖施工技术Method Statement for Concrete Casting in Hollow Roof with BRT Formwork作者:武心贺摘要:BRT 轻质芯模现浇空心楼盖是无梁楼盖结构,将轻质芯模根据设计埋置于现浇混凝土空心楼盖中,以节约混凝土用量,减轻结构自重,降低工程造价,减轻地震作用,增大建筑净高,改善使用功能,节约吊顶装饰,提高楼盖的隔音、隔热性能,是国家推广的新型建筑节能结构。该结构既具安全性,又具经济性和美观性,符合国家提倡的建设“节能省地型”建筑的要求和建筑产业政策,属国内先进水平,具有良好的的技术性能和经济效果,推广应用前景宽阔。本文对 BRT 轻质芯模现浇混凝土空心楼盖的施工工艺、施工要点和质量控制措施以及质量验收标准进行全面、系统讨论,希望可以为相关施工人员提供一个参考。Abstract: BRT formwork is applied in the roof concrete work without beams, by setting the BRT formwork in the insitu concrete roof, the structure is able to reduce the amount of concrete and its selfweight significantly, and also able to save the expenditure for ceiling works. In categorie of function applications, BRT formwork can achieve the effect of reducing earthquake damages, incresing room clearances, improving soundproof and themo-isolation index. The safety, expense-saving character allow BRT formwork comply with “Power and Land Saving” type buildings requirements promoted by the government, thus it has broad market potentials. This articale basically talks about the method statement of BRT formwork in concrete work of hollow roof, keypoints of quality control and inspection comprehensively, in order to support further research on this topic.关键词:现浇混凝土空心板;施工;控制Key words: Insitu Concrete Roof, Method Statements, Quality Control.BRT 轻质芯模现浇空心楼盖施工技术从施工原理、施工工艺、技术要点、构造要求、质量控制、质量标准五个主要方面进行把握,控制施工质量。1 施工原理在 BRT 轻质芯模现浇空心楼盖混凝土结构中...