下载后可任意编辑省人民政府水行政主管部门建立水土保持监测网络,对全省水土流失动态进行监测、预报,省人民政府定期将监测、预报情况予以公告。县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门及其所属的水土保持监督管理机构,应当建立执法关于业主支付担保与施工留置权的可行性讨论关于业主支付担保与施工留置权的可行性讨论作者黎广军(深圳市造价工程师协会会员,广东 深圳 518031)摘要: 文章分析了各种业主支付担保,认为不动产施工留置权最为合理可行,并阐述了施工留置权制度的主要规则。该制度的最大优越性是仅与业主有间接合同关系的工人、供应商、分包商也有留置权,因而可有效解决工程拖欠款问题。但留置索赔人应登记其留置权而不是占有不动产,如同不动产抵押那样以利物尽其用。假如业主仍不付款或已无偿付能力,留置权人可依法拍卖该不动产以清偿欠款。我国物权法应设立不动产施工留置权。关键词: 物权法; 不动产留置; 施工留置权; 业主支付担保; 工程拖欠款Feasibility Research about Owner’s Payment Bond and Construction LienLI Guang-jun(A Associator of Shenzhen Cost Engineer Association, Shenzhen 518031, China)Abstract: The article analyzed various owner's payment bond and thought the construction lien on real estate is most reasonable and feasible, And expounded the primary rules of the construction lien system. The prime advantage of the system is that the workers and provider and subcontractors having only a indirect contractual relationship with the owner also have the lien, thereby it could solve effectively the construction debt question. But the lien claimant should register his lien but not possess the real estate, as such a mortgage on real estate in order to 命运如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中==============================================================下载后可任意编辑make the best use of everything. If the owner has not pay up it or has be insolvent, the lienor will be able to auction the real estate by the law to obtain repayment of the debt. Our country ...