Commercial Lease Contract of International Airport Terminal 甲方:机场股份有限公司Party A: Airport Co., Ltd. 乙方:零售有限公司Party B: Retail Co., Ltd. 本合同于 2013 年 月 日由下列双方在机场签订。The contract was entered by and between the following two parties on at Airport. 出租方(甲方) :机场股份有限公司Lessor (Party A): Airport Co., Ltd. 注册地址:Registered address: 承租方(乙方) :零售有限公司Lessee (Party B): Retail Co., Ltd. 注册地址: Registered address: 甲、乙双方根据有关法律规定,本着友好合作、协商一致的原则,为明确双方权利义务,特签订本合同,并共同遵守。Party A and Party B signed and abide by the contract on the basis of friendly cooperation and consensus in accordance with related laws and regulations for the purpose of defining the rights and obligations of each other. 1. 一般约定 General agreements 1.1 除非文中另有不同要求,文中双方指甲方和乙方,一方指甲方或乙方中的任何一方。Unless otherwise specified herein, “both parties ” mentioned anywhere herein refer to both Party A and Party B, and “either party ”refers to Party A or Party B. 1.2 合同中货币均以人民币“元”为计算单位(除合同中有特别规定)。The currency used herein is RMB in Yuan (unless otherwise expressly stated in the contract). 2. 租赁区域及期限Leased area and term 2.1 租赁区域Leased area 在遵守本合同规定的前提下,甲方同意出租且乙方同意承租机场新国际候机楼出发大厅问询处左侧面积为96 平方米的商业区域,以便乙方能在机场新国际候机楼内进行特产、食品、工艺品、旅游用品等零售商品的展示及销售。(具体位置参见附件7。)Subject to compliance with the contracted provisions, Party A agrees to rent out and Party B agrees to rent in the 96-square-meter commercial area located at the left side of the Information Office of the Departure Hall in the New International Airport Terminal of the Airport so that P...