1 部分矿床学术语及英文解释 Term Definition Banded ore (条带状矿石) an ore consisting of alternating layers of ore minerals and gangue material and/or host rock. Density the ratio of an object's mass to its volume. (measured as grams per centimeter cubed: g cm3) Disseminated ore (浸染状矿石) an ore consisting of fine ore mineral particles that are dispersed throughout the host rock. Enrichment the processes by which the relative amount of one constituent mineral or element contained within a rock is increased. Epithermal (低温热液的) a term applied to relatively low-T (e.g. 100° C - 200° C) hydrothermal processes. Mesothermal (中温热液的) a term applied to intermediate temperature (e.g. 200° C - 300° C) hydrothermal processes. Hypothermal (高温热液的) a term applied to relatively high temperature (e.g. 300° C - 500° C) hydrothermal processes. Fool's Gold usually applied to fine-grained iron pyrite and chalcopyrite. Gangue (脉石) part of a mineral deposit from which a metal or metals are not extracted. It is important to note that gangue minerals in one mineral deposit may be ore minerals in another (e.g. pyrite, barite, fluorite). The most common gangue minerals are quartz, calcite, fluorite, siderite and calcite Gossan (铁帽) the leached and oxidized near-surface part of an ore deposit, usually composed of iron oxide/hydroxide and quartz. Grade the metal content of an ore. Host rock the body of rock surrounding an ore body. Limonite a common term used for a mixture of amorphous iron oxides and hydroxides. Lode (矿脉) an old term for an ore deposit consisting of the ore itself along with the host rock. Mass a measure of a body's resistance to a change in velocity. (measured in ...