TLH7057OpAmpCircu itCollectionAN-31Practical Differentiatorfc e12qR2C1fh e12qR1C1e12qR2C2fc m fh m funity gainTLH7057–9IntegratorVOUT e b1R1C1t2t1VIN dtfc e12qR1C1R1 e R2For minimum offset error dueto input bias currentTLH7057–10Fast IntegratorTLH7057–11Current to Voltage ConverterVOUT e lIN R1 For minimum error due tobias current R2 e R1TLH7057–12Circuit for Operatingthe LM101without a Negative SupplyTLH7057–13Circuit for GeneratingtheSecond Positive VoltageTLH7057–142Neutralizing Input Capacitanceto Optimize Response TimeCN s R1R2 CSTLH7057–15Integratorwith Bias Current Compensation Adjust for zero integrator driftCurrent drift typically 01nACover b55C to 125Ctemperature rangeTLH7057–16Voltage Comparatorfor DrivingDTL or TTL IntegratedCircuitsTLH7057–17ThresholdDetector for PhotodiodesTLH7057–18Double-EndedLimit DetectorVOUT e 46V forVLT s VIN s VUTVOUT e 0V forVIN k VLT or VIN l VUTTLH7057–19Multiple Aperture Window DiscriminatorTLH7057–203Offset Voltage Adjustment for Inverting AmplifiersUsing AnyType of Feedback ElementRANGE e gV R2R1JTLH7057–21Offset Voltage Adjustmentfor Non-InvertingAmplifiersUsing AnyType of Feedback ElementRANGE e gV R2R1JGAINe 1 aR5R4 a R2TLH7057–22Offset Voltage Adjustmentfor Voltage FollowersRANGE e gV R3R1JTLH7057–23Offset Voltage Adjustmentfor DifferentialAmplifiersR2 e R3 a R4RANGE e gV R5R4J R1R1 a R3JGAIN e R2R1TLH7057–24Offset Voltage Adjustmentfor InvertingAmplifiersUsing 10 kX Source Resistanceor LessR1 e 2000 R3U R4R4U R3 s 10 kXRANGE e gV R3U R4R1 JTLH7057–254SECTION 2 SIGNAL GENERATIONLow Frequency Sine Wave Generator with Quadrature OutputTLH7057–26High FrequencySine Wave Generatorwith QuadratureOutputf...