

最新新视野大学英语3(第二版)课后答案(section B)Key to exercises in Book 3 (unit1-unit10) Unit 1 Section B Ⅰ1 “It was an autumn night in my native Nova Scotia.” 2. They “ were vacationing in (it) for the night.”3. “ It took me years, thought, to learn that the love in our family didn't just happen.”4. “ First, love needs time.”(Para. 3)“Love needs another, harder to find quality as well, the ability to let go.”(Para. 7)“ Finally, love needs words to make it real.” (Para. 11)5. “ It can only be achieved through patience and understanding.”Ⅱ1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. C Ⅲ1. hollow 2. considerate 3. rival 4. elastic 5. paralleling 6. inspire 7. manipulate 8. acknowledged 9. soaring 10 respective Ⅳ1. on 2. apart 3. with 4. along 5. on 6. into 7. of 8. between 9. up 10. of Unit 2 Section B I. 1. O 2. F 3.F 4. O 5. F 6. O Comprehension of the Text II. 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. A Vocabulary III. 1. implying 2. complicated 3. obstacle 4. exhibited 5. possess 6. multiplied 7. equip 8. speculate 9. concentrating 10. strength IV. 1. applied to 2. In response to 3. is associated with 4. in contrast to 5. in the say way that 6. attribute to 7. go through 8. engage in 9. benefited greatly from 10. stems from Unit 3 Section B II. 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A III. 1. exert 2. analyzed 3. differ 4. consult 5. discarded 6. volume 7. delicate 8. convert 9. dismissed 10. flexible IV. 1. in, from 2. on 3. to 4. behind 5. From, to 6. between, up 7. for 8. to 9. from 10. through Unit 4 Section B Reading Skills I. 1. To crush is to press something so hard that it is damaged or destroyed. Here Mary compares h...

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