1 Part 1. Colonial America(1607-1800) John Smith(158-1631) 约翰斯密斯The General History of Virginia弗吉尼亚通史 , A Description of New England新英格兰概览William Bradford(1590-1657) 威廉布莱德福Of Plymouth Plantation普利茅斯拓荒记John Winthrop(1588-1649) 约翰温斯洛普A Model of Christian Charity基督徒慈善地典范Anne Bradstreet(1612-1672) “Contemplations ”, “Upon the Burning of Our House” , ” To My Dear and Loving Husband”, In Reference to Her Children” , ” The Flesh and The Spirit” As Weary Pilgrim ”Edward Taylor(1642-1729) 爱德华泰勒“Huswifery ”, “Upon a Spider Catching a Fly ”Roger Williams(1603-1683) 罗杰威廉斯The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience John Woolman(1720-1772) “Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes ”, A Plea for the Poor”Thomas Paine(1737-1809) The Case of the Officers of Excise 税务员问题; Common Sense 常识;American Crisis 美国危机; Rights of Man 人地权利: Downfall of Despotism专制体制地崩溃; The Age of Reason 理性时代Philip Freneau( 1752-1832)The Rising Glory of America ;The British Prison Ship 英国囚船; To the Memory of the Brave Americans 纪念美国勇士 ----- 同类诗中最佳; The Wild Honeysuckle野生地金银花;The Indian Burying Ground; The Dying Indian: Tomo Chequi Charles Brockden Brown(1771-1810) Wieland; Edgar Huntly; Ormond; Arthur Mervyn Jonathan Edwards(1703-1758)爱德华兹The Freedom of the Will 《意志地自由》The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defended《原罪说辩》The Nature of True Virtue 真美德地性质 ; Images or Shadows of Divine Things 《神灵地形影》;” Personal Narrative ”; “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God ”愤怒地上帝手中之罪人Benjamin Franklin( 1706-1790)Poor Richard ’s Almanac 穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth 致富之道;The Autobiography 自传Hector St.John de Crevecour ...