轴承制造专业术语 ABRASIVE BLASTING: Process for removing scale from product after heat treatment and prior to grinding; product pieces are placed in a tumbler that bombards the surface with high velocity metal shot particles. This process also acts as a tempering or stabilizing process. (Also called Shotblasting) 磨料喷砂法:热处理之后磨削之前去除产品表面氧化皮的工序;把工件放进滚筒里,用高速金属磨料喷击表面。这道工序也起到回火或退火处理的作用。(也叫喷丸处理) ABRASIVE WEARING: Damage to bearing parts caused by fine foreign particles which get in through badly worn or defective seal and/or lubricants. 磨料磨损:由于密封磨损或损坏以及润滑剂失效而导致外界细小磨粒进入轴承内部从而引起轴承部件的损伤。 ACCIDENT: The occurrence in a sequence of events that usually produces unintended injury, death, or property damage. 意外事故:在一系列的事件当中发生的产品意外伤害、毁坏或者功能损失。 ACID ETCH: The process of checking surface of ground product for cracks or burns by use of a series of acids or neutralizers. Also called Nital Etch 酸蚀:指使用一系列的酸或者中和剂来检查研磨产品表面裂纹或者烧伤的工序。也叫酸洗。 ACME SCREW MACHINE: (See: Automatic Screw Machine ) ACME 冲切机:(参考:自动冲切机) ADDITIVE: A chemical added in small quantities to cutting fluids to impart certain properties. 添加剂:一种化学品,少量增加到切削液中以影响切削液的某些特性。 AGING: The process of running product through low temperature air draw furnaces for the purpose of relieving stress which was caused in the hardening operation. The process stabilizes the microstructure of the product so it will retain desired dimensions during use. Also called tempering or drawing. 时效处理:指让产品通过低温通风炉以释放淬火造成的应力的工艺。这道工艺可以稳定产品的内部微观结构,在实际工作中能保持产品的尺寸稳定性。也称为回火。 ...