1 第一章 公共用语 1. How long have you worked on board? I have worked on board for 5 years. 2. Which certificate do you have now? I have a fourth engineer certificate now. 3. What is your marital status? How many departments are there on board? I'm single./ I am married. There are three departments: engine department, deck department, service department. 4. How many people are there in your family? Are you married? There are three people in my family. No, I'm still single. / Yes, I am married. 5. How many countries have you ever been to? I've been to many countries, such as Singapore, Japan, Australia and so on. 6. When did you begin to work on board? What kind of ship have you worked on? I began to work on board in 2003; I have worked on many kinds of ship, such as cargo ship, container ship, passenger ship. 7. How many important canals are there all over the world? There are three canals. They are Panama Canal, Suez Canal and Kiel Canal. 8. Can you tell me what is the most important thing for a seafarer? I think it is safety. 9.What kinds of main engine and generator engine have you worked on? Large slow speed crosshead type marine diesel engine and high speed four stroke engine for A.C generator. / I've served several models, for instance, main engine: Sulzer RTA 84c type diesel engine, 4150BCF /4110AD type generator engine. 10. Which classification society is your ship registered with? She is registered with (CCS) China Classification Society. 11. Have you worked any ship that caused damage in critical equipments? 2 No, I served my job cautiously, and my colleagues were also diligent. We kept the vessel in safe operation./ Yes, I have worked on a bulk carrier that...