轨道交通信号系统术语及缩写 Term or Acrony m/术语或缩写 Description/说明 A/D Analogue to Digital 数/模转换 AB Service brake rate as a function of a commanded braking profile. 做为指令制动包络函数的运营制动率 ACB Axle Counter Block 计轴区块 ACC Asynchronous Communications Controller 异步通信控制器 Accident/事故 Any unforeseen event or occurrence resulting in injury or property damage. 任何不可预知的造成伤害或财产损失的事件 ACE Axle Counter Evaluator 计轴评估 ACR Area of Control Region (also see AOA). 控制区地带(参见AOA) Active State/主用状态 One of four states in which a VOBC can exist. The state in which a VOBC can control and monitor a communicating train’s motion. On a communicating train one and only one VOBC can exist in the Active State at any given time. VOBC 可存在的四种状态之一。在此状态下VOBC 能控制和监视一辆通信列车的运动。在一辆通信列车上有且仅有一个VOBC 可在任何给定时间处于主用状态 AGSS Automatic Global Schedule Slide 全系统自动时刻调整 Alignment/平面图 The entire physical guideway comprising running rails, switches, power rails, inductive loops and associated communication and station platform equipment. 全部的轨道设备,包括运行轨道、道岔、导电轨道、感应环和相关的通信以及车站站台设备。 ANSI American National Standards Institute. 美国国家标准化局 ANTFIL Antenna Filter 天线滤波器 Anti-Valent Two input or output bits having opposite logic levels, e.g., logic values 1 and 0. 2 个输入和输出比特具有相反的逻辑电平、例如 1 和0 AOA Area of Authority (also see ACR) 管辖区域(参见 ACR) APL Approved Parts List 批准的部件表 ART Advanced Rapid Transit 先进高速交通 ASC Automatic Speed Control 自动速度控制 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准码 ASM Assembler 汇编器 Aspect The appearance of a signal conveying an indicatio...