下载后可任意编辑基于 GIS 的城市工程地质信息系统的设计王月香1,陈竹安2(1.淮阴师范学院地理系 223001,2.东华理工大学地球科学与测绘工程学院,江西 抚州 344000)摘要:利用 GIS 开发技术,结合工程地质信息的特点,开发工程地质信息系统软件,可解决现行工程地质管理系统普遍存在的对地理信息方面管理的不足,加强对空间属性的管理与分析,同时极大的缩短了系统开发速度。本文以此为基础,探讨组件 MapX5.0 在城市工程地质信息系统中的运用,进行了系统开发平台的选择、系统模块的设计、系统功能的设计、系统数据库的设计、以及系统主要功能模块的最终实现,达到了城市工程地质管理信息化的目标。关键词:城市工程地质;设计;信息系统;GISDesign of City Engineering Geological Information System Based on GISWANG Yue-Xiang,CHEN Zhuan(1.Department of Geography; Huaiyin Teachers College; Huai an 223001; China,2.Faculty of Geoscience and survey Engineering, East China Institute of technology,Fuzhou ,JX, 344000,China)Abstract: developing project Geological Information Systems software can Ubiquitous deficiency of geographical information management of geological administrative system of current project of settlement, strengthening the management and analysis on space attribute, but also shorten the development period of the software greatly , raise the expansibility of the software.This text is probe the application of MapX in the Geological Informaion System, simultaneously has carried on the choice of system developed platform , the system development environment determination, the system module design, the system function design, the system database design as well as the system various functions module finally realization, has achieved the anticipated design goal.Key words:comGIS; Geographic Information System; MapX0 引言随着我国国民经济的蓬勃进展,城市建设的步伐和规模以前所未有的速度展开,城市面貌日新月异,大量的建设项目使城市的岩土工程勘察活动在深度和广度上都达到...