农村公路工程造价控制的重要意义Importance of rural highway construction cost control 乡村公路建造是改进乡村公路交通环境,处理好“三农”疑问的重要条件和根底条件。乡村公路建造资金是由当地政府自筹和国家补助组成,乡村公路建造瓶颈疑问既是资金短缺疑问,促进节约并合理运用建造资金是千秋大业。工程造价就是为了在保证质量一起,合理有用地运用资金,到达把钱真有用在""刀刃上""的意图。 Rural road construction is to improve the rural road traffic environment, processing is good "three rural" question important condition and foundation conditions. Rural highway construction fund is composed of local government - and state subsidies, rural highway construction bottleneck question is fund shortage question, promote conservation and rational use of construction funds is the cause. The engineering cost is in order to ensure the quality, reasonable and effective use of funds, to put the money in "real intention" edge "". 工程造价的操控是一项动态的,体系的工程,它贯穿于建造项意图全进程,包含决议计划期间、描绘期间、投标期间、施工期间、结算期间 5 个期间,只要在各个期间选用必定办法和办法把建造费用操控在合理的规模和核定的造价限额以内,以求合理的运用人力、物力、财力,获得较好的出资效益和社会效益。因而,对改进乡村交通环境和加快当地经济进展具有非常重要的含义。 Project cost control is a dynamic, system engineering, it runs through the construction of a whole process of intention, period, including decisions during the tender period, paint, construction period, settlement during the period of 5, as long as the choice of certain methods and measures in each period of construction cost control within cost limit approved in reasonable scale and, in order to human, material and financial resources, the use of reasonable, obtain better investment benefit and social benefit. Therefore, very important to have improved rural traffi...