以下问题是在最近一个月(4 周)内,您的心力衰竭(心脏状况)对您生活的影响。阅读完每个问题后,在结果的选项0,1, 2,3,4, 5 上划圈,表明您日常生活受到的影响程度。如果问题不适合您,在0上划圈。The following questions ask how much your heart failure (heart condition) affected your life during the past month (4 weeks). After each question, circle the 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 to show how much your life was affected. If a question does not apply to you, circle the 0 after that question. ?1986明尼苏达大学评议,版权所有。没有获得许可不许拷贝或复制。LIVING WITH HEART FAILURE?是明尼苏达大学注册的商标。?1986 Regents of the University of Minnesota, All rights reserved. Do not copy or reproduce without permission. LIVING WITH HEART FAILURE? is a registered trademark of the Regents of the University of Minnesota. 数据收集和评分说明Instructions for Data Collection and Scoring:. 1. 应在被调查者进行其他评定之前完成本表,否则有可能影响调查。你应当告诉被调查者,在你做出医疗评定之前,你希望得到他或她的意见。Patients should respond to the questionnaire prior to other assessments and interactions that may bias their responses. You might tell the patient that you would like to get his or her opinion before doing your medical assessment. 2. 应给被调查者足够的时间完成此项调查表。推荐被调查者完成调查表时不受配偶或其他亲属的影响。研究表明他人的干预会影响调查的结果。Ample, uninterrupted time should be provided for the patient to complete the questionnaire. We recommend that the patient answer the questions without being influenced by others such as their spouse or family members. Studies show that patient proxies often have different perspectives. 3. 我们推荐 We recommend that you use the first question to give the respondent more detailed instructions as follows. a. 仔细阅读调查表的前言。Read the...