日照城市规划展览馆Rizhao Urban Planning Exhibition Hall 1. 序厅 Lobby 您好,欢迎来到日照市城市规划展览馆参观。Nice to see you! Welcome to Rizhao Urban Planning Exhibition Hall. 日照因 “日出初光先照 ”而得名,全市总面积5348 平方公里,总人口 288 万。您现在所在的这个城市规划展览馆,就是这个城市的一个窗口。The name of Rizhao literally means the first city catching sunshine at sunrise. Its total area is 5,348 square kilometers, and the total population 2.88 million. This Urban Planning Exhibition Hall where you are now is a window of the city. 这是日照的八张城市名片,水上运动之都、阳光度假海岸、亿吨综合大港、临港工业基地、生态宜居家园、滨海文化名城、大学科技园区、北方绿茶之乡。Below are the eight urban cards of Rizhao: 1) City of water games; 2) Sunshine holiday resort coast; 3) 100-million-ton comprehensive huge port; 4) Port-based industrial cluster; 5) Ecological habitat homeland; 6) Famous coastal and cultural city; 7) University Sci-tech Park; 8) Hometown of northern green tea.我们现在所在的位置是阳光序厅,序厅顶部悬挂的球体LED 象征太阳,将阳光挥洒在日照地图背景墙上,代表了“日出初光先照 ”这一日照得名的由来。Now, we are in the Sunshine Lobby. The global LED hanging at the top symbolizes the sun. The sunshine is mirrored on the background wall with a map of Rizhao City. The globe represents the origin of “the first place catching sunshine at sunrise”.请向右转,我们的参观从这里开始。Please turn right. Our visit begins here. 2. 领导关怀Care and Support from Leadership 党和国家领导人及各级领导对日照给予了极大的关怀和支持,对日照给予了极大地关怀,寄托着殷切的期望。Great concern and support have been given to Rizhao by national leaders of the Party and State, as well as by the leadership of all levels. They have given great concern and placed high expectations on t...