日产 5000 吨熟料水泥生产线工艺设计参数I 日产 5000 吨熟料水泥生产线工艺设计-参数摘 要本次设计的是一条日产5000 吨水泥熟料的新型干法水泥生产线。 该生产线主要生产的水泥品种为P.O 42.5和 P.F 32.5水泥,袋散比为: 40%:60%。 矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。本次设计的主要内容包括:全厂生产工艺流程设计;熟料矿物组成设计及配料计算;工艺平衡计算(物料平衡、储库平衡、主机平衡);计算和确定新型回转窑、悬浮预热器、分解炉的型号及规格,以及窑尾气体平衡的计算,同时还编写了全厂工艺流程概述、全厂质量控制表等;最后进行了全厂工艺平面布置的设计。 聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。在本次设计中,采用了一些新的工艺技术,例如:高效率立式磨和高效选粉机等,特别是采用的TDF 型分解炉为喷腾型分解炉,结构简单,外形规整,便于设计布置,为 DD 型的改进型,是国内制造的新一代分解炉。本次设计还采用了利用窑尾热废气预热生料以及在窑头窑尾设置余热锅炉进行余热发电的有效方法来降低系统热耗。残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。关键词: 配料,选型,预热器,分解炉,烧成窑尾日产 5000 吨熟料水泥生产线工艺设计参数II The Design of a Cement Clinker Production Line With the Capacity of 5000 Tons Per Day-Parameter 3 酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。ABSTRACT The title of the graduating design is to construct a cement plant with 5000 tons per day production line the main production is 42.5 P.O and 32.5 P.F, Bag than scattered: 40%:60%。 彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑。The main content of this design is:Selection of ratios and the calculating and of raw mixes ;Manufacturing process and selection of the main machines ;The phases of this design is to calculate and design preheated and pre -claimer and also the balancing of the main machines at the same time , I compose the summarization of technology flow for what factory and quality control of the whole factory and prospects of the design project for graduation etc ;The 1ast step of the design is the layout of the whole plant .In the design , some new technologies...