洛阳理工学院毕业设计I 日产 5000 吨水泥熟料生产线(粉磨)工艺设计—参数2 摘 要本设计是针对5000t/d 熟料新型干法生产线(粉磨)的工艺设计,水泥粉磨是水泥制造的最后工序,其主要功能在于将水泥熟料(及缓凝剂、 性能调节材料等 )粉磨至适宜的粒度(以细度、比表面积等表示),形成一定的颗粒级配,增大其水化面积,加速水化速率,满足水泥浆体凝结,硬化要求。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。本次设计在配料计算基础上,进行了物料平衡、储库平衡、主机平衡计算,并以此为依据,对全厂储库、主机及辅机进行了选型和工艺布置;重点对水泥粉磨进行了工艺计算、设备规格设计、工艺布置设计。采用的是目前大多数大型水泥生产线水泥粉磨系统的优选方案之一,即带辊压机的挤压联合水泥粉磨系统,最大限度的降低能耗,设计熟料烧成能耗2950kJ/kg ,减少基建投资,又最大限度的提高产量、质量,做到环保,技术经济指标先进、合理。聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。关键词 :水泥厂设计 , 水泥挤压联合粉磨,球磨机,辊压机洛阳理工学院毕业设计II 5000 T/D CEMENT CLINKER PRODUCTION LINE ( GRINDING) PROCESS DESIGN-TWO PARAMETERS残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。ABSTRACT This design is aim at the end of kiln technics for 5000t/d ripe material new type dry process calcinations workshop. Cement grinding is at the end of the cement manufacture process. Its main function is to cement clinker grinding to suitable particle. Form certain particle grading. Increase its hydration area, accelerate the hydration rate, and satisfy the Cement slurry condensation, the hardening requirements. 酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。This design carried on the material balance, reservoir balance and host balance calculation which were based on the calculation of the ingredients, and as a basis, the whole plant reservoir, main and auxiliary machinery having been selected and carried on the layout process; and then it was carried on the process calculation, equipment specification design, process layout design which were focus on the Cement grinding. Using the mos...