1 无锡口岸医学媒介生物本底调查顾海俊,曹晓蕴,丁均,黄玮,秋雯无锡出入境检验检疫局(无锡,214000)摘要: 目的掌握无锡口岸医学媒介生物的本底情况,为制定有效的防控措施提供依据。方法2011 年 1 月-2014 年 12 月,每月对无锡口岸医学媒介情况进行调查。结果 共捕获鼠类 33 只,经鉴定隶属3 属 3 种,优势种为小家鼠;捕获蝇类3451 只,经鉴定隶属4 科10 属 12 种,以大头金蝇为优势种;捕获蚊类1850 只,经鉴定隶属1 科 2 属 5 种,以淡色库蚊为优势种;捕获蜚蠊153 只,经鉴定隶属1 属 1 种。 结论本次调查较全面掌握了无锡口岸医学媒介生物本底和季节消长情况,为开展媒介生物防控及传染病防治工作提供了科学依据。关键词:医学媒介生物;种群构成;季节消长;密度;本底调查Background investigation on medical vectors at Wuxi Port Gu Haijun, Cao Xiaoyun, Ding Jun, Huang Wei, Qiu Wen Wuxi entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau ( WuXi,214000 )Abstract: Objective To understand the background situation of the medical vectors at the Wuxi port, and to provide the evidence for the effective measures of prevention and control. Methods The medical vectors were investigated monthly from January 2011 to December 2014. Results A total of 33 mice were entrapped and identified as 3 genera and 3 species. Mus musculus was dominant species. A total of 3451 flies were entrapped and identified as 4 family, 10 genera and 12 species. Chrysomya megacephal was dominant species. A total of 1850 mosquitoes were entrapped and identified as 1 family, 2 genera and 5 species. Culex pipiens pallens was dominant species. A total of 153 cockroaaches were entrapped and identified as 1 genera and 1 species. Conclusion The natural baseline background and seasonal growth and decline of the medical vector at Wuxi port were mastered. It is very necessary to monitor and control medical vectors and infections diease. Key words: Medi...