旋转机械碰摩故障的诊断案例分析综述班级: 姓名: 学号:1旋转机械碰摩故障的诊断案例分析综述The Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery Rubbing Fault Case Analysis Were Reviewed摘要研究了旋转机械动静碰摩故障下转子与静子振动信号的变化规律。首先分析了碰摩转子和静子振动机理,通过实验对旋转机械在正常情况、轻微局部碰摩和严重局部碰摩三种情况下的动静件振动信号规律和特点进行分析。分析表明,静子振动信号对碰摩故障极为敏感,碰摩时静子振动信号的故障特征表现为调制特征,该特征可以较好地揭示碰摩故障的发生,为诊断碰摩故障提供了一种新思路。关键词 : 旋转机械;碰摩; 转子振动;Abstract The characteristic of rotor and stator vibration signals under run-impact status is studied. Firstly, the characters and rules of rotor and stator vibration signals under rub-impact status are studied. Rotor and stator vibration feature with different rotor speed is analyzed through experiment. Through the analysis of stator vibration characteristic, the pulse force from rub-impact may lead to stator resonance, so it can be brought out to diagnose rub-impact faults. Results reveal that the stator resonance signals can indicate rub-impact faults. 2The conclusions can give basis for the vibration character of the stator and the detection of rub-impact signals for the rotor system. Key words: rotating machine ; rub-impact ;rotor vibration ;stator vibration ;正文一.前言在汽轮发电机组、 压缩机等旋转机械的运行中,转子与汽封、 油档等静止部件的间隙消失,导致动静部分接触和摩擦. 由此引起的振动称为摩擦振动 ,它是汽轮发电机组常见的振动故障之一. 随着机组向大型方向发展, 蒸汽参数越来越高,动静间隙设计的越来越小, 而标高变化、 跑偏、热变形等因素对动静间隙的影响越来越大, 这就使得动静部件间发生摩擦的可能性越来越大。摩擦故障不仅会发生在机组启停过程中, 也会发生在空负荷和带负荷情况下。摩擦引起的振动故障具有很强的不稳定性, 振动可能长时间持续波动, 也有可能突发。 当摩擦严重时,如果处理不及时, ...