出口信贷 export credit 出口退税the policy of tax refunds 资源性产品resource products 进口环节增值税 import value-added tax 对外工程承包contract to build overseas projects 劳务输出provide labor services abroad 国内投资环境domestic investment environment 基础设施infrastructure 项目融资project financing 转让经营权the transfer of the rights of operation 审批程序examination and approval procedures 境外融资overseas financing 擅自变相举债 the unauthorized incurring of debts in disguised form 贷款限额控制control on the loan ceilings 资产负债比例assets-liabilities ratio 适度从紧货币政策an appropriately stringent monetary policy 微调 slight readjustment 监管supervision and control 资源重复配置 duplication 资源优化配置to optimize the allocation of resources 压锭重组reducing and regrouping spindles 股权交易方式equity transaction methods 资产运行质量the quality of asset operations 生产经营性国有资本productive and operational state-owned capital 放开搞活decontrolling and invigorating 股份合作制 joint-stock partnership 优化结构optimize structures 产业升级 upgrade the industry 转换经营机制transformation of the operational mechanisms 重组reorganization ;realignment 减债增资reducing debts and increasing assets 一条龙开发coordinated development 以。。。为龙头 took the lead 呆坏帐准备金 The reserves from bad debts 全额退税full refund of duty 服务贸易总协定 the General Agreement on Trade Service (GATS) 缔约方 a signatory member 转口贸易entrepot trade 经济特区 Special Economic Zone 营业性外资机构 operational financial institutions 总资产total assets 财产保险 property insurance 近海石油 offshore oil 税后帐面利润 post-tax profits 个 人 交费 人 身 保 险 life insurance for individuals 远洋运输ocean-going shipping 资本折旧率 capital depreciation rates 顺差 surpluses 劳动力结构composition of the labor f...