下载后可任意编辑陵水全域旅游服务中心Lingshui Holistic Tourism Service Center陵水全域旅游Lingshui Holistic Tourism 政府服务热线Governmental Hotline地址(Add):陵水县东环高铁陵水站广场正南面Add:the south of Lingshui Station Square of Eastern Island-looping High-speed Railway, Lingshui陵水概况Instruction of Lingshui 陵水位于海南东南部,北纬 18°22 -18°47′′、东经。境内海岸线长 57.5 公里,陵水是个以黎族、汉族、苗族人口居多的“大杂居,小聚居”的市县。陵水自然资源十分丰富,矿产、热作、旅游和海洋资源尤为得天独厚。Lingshui is located in the southeastern part of Hainan island ( Latitude18°22 -′18°47 North′,Longitude 109°45 -110°08 East′′). With the 57.5 kilometers of winding coastline, Lingshui is a county mainly populated by the Li nationality, the Han nationality and the Miao nationality, taking on a feature of “large mixed, small settlement”. 陵水境内有国道海榆东线公路,海南环岛高速公路和海南环岛高速铁路贯穿全境。设有陵水高铁站,南距三亚凤凰国际机场和博鳌机场仅 1 个小时车程。海南优质的旅游资源基本上都处在陵水“1 小时交通圈”内,具有独特的交通优势。 陵水属于热带岛屿性季风气候,年平均气温 25.2℃,光照充足,全年无霜,四季常青,是中国少有的天然温室。Lingshui has the national road East Haiyu, Hainan Roundabout Expressway, and Hainan Roundabout Railway running through. Lingshui also has the high-speed railway station which is only 1 hour’s drive separately from Sanya International Airport and Boao Airport. The quality travel resources are mainly in the “1 hour traffic circle”, which has the unique advantage of transportation. The climate here belongs to tropical insular monsoon climate and the average temperature is always 25.2. Lingshui is absolutely the natural greenhouse with abundant℃ sunshine, no frost all year and evergreen plants all seasons. 陵水具有丰富的人文和自然旅游资源。主要...