下载后可任意编辑贵州省技改整合小煤矿安全生产的思考(周仕来,刘 勇)(贵州大学矿业学院;贵州非金属矿产资源综合利用重点实验室,贵阳 550003)摘 要:小煤矿在我省煤炭行业占有重要地位,然而其安全生产的形势却不容乐观。主要叙述了目前贵州省技改整合后乡镇小煤矿的开采现状和安全生产情况。并以最近发生的煤矿事故为例,探讨技改整合后小煤矿安全生产的技术措施。关键词:小煤矿 安全生产 技改整合Consider on the Small colliery Security Produce about Technical Transformation and Integration Mine in GuiZhou ProvinceZHOU Shi-lai, LIU Yong(Mining College of GuiZhou University& GuiZhou Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Utilization of Nonmetallic Mineral Resources, Guiyang 550003,China)Abstract: Small colliery is one of the most important part in coal industry of GuiZhou province, but it is not optimistic to the security situation. This paper mostly talks about the present status of coal mining and safety produce about the technical transformation and integration small colliery in GuiZhou province. Take the recently coal mine accident for example in China, discussion on the problem of small colliery’s security produce technical measures.Keywords: Small colliery Security produce Technical transformation and integration引 言对于我省技改整合后小煤矿的安全生产问题,不仅面临着极其复杂的地质结构、高瓦斯、煤与瓦斯突出、水灾、顶板灾害等自然因数的严重影响,还来自煤矿业主、地方监管部门、矿山工人等人为因素的影响,这些对于我省煤矿安全生产来说是一个严峻的问题。本着“技术上可行、经济上合理、安全可靠”的基本原则,力争走上安全、环保、经济的科学采矿技术之路。1.小煤矿开采现状分析目前,在贵州 2000 多对矿井中,地方煤矿占 1700 多对,比例超过 85%。因此,地方煤矿的安全生产是实现整个贵州省煤矿安全生产的重中之重 [1]。贵州省小煤矿具有井型较小、数量多、设备落后、抗灾能力弱、地质条件极复杂等特点,这些特征在未进行技改整合以前,体现更为明显。(1)井田面积较小,地质勘探资料不够详细,矿井规划不合理,井...