新视野三版读写 B2 U4 Text A College sweethearts1 I smile at my two lovely daughters and they seem so much more mature than we, their parents, when we were col ege sweethearts. Linda, who's 21, had a boyfriend in her freshman year she thought she would marry, but they're not together anymore. Melissa, who's 19, hasn't had a steady boyfriend yet. My daughters wonder when they wil meet "The One", their great love. They think their father and I had a classic fairy-tale romance heading for marriage from the outset. Perhaps, they're right but it didn't seem so at the time. In a way, love just happens when you least expect it. Who would have thought that Butch and I would end up getting married to each other? He became my boyfriend because of my shal ow agenda: I wanted a cute boyfriend! 2 We met through my col ege roommate at the university cafeteria. That fateful night, I was merely curious, but for him I think it was love at first sight. "You have beautiful eyes", he said as he gazed at my face. He kept staring at me al night long. I real y wasn't that interested for two reasons. First, he looked like he was a real y wild boy, maybe even dangerous. Second, although he was very cute, he seemed a little weird. 3 Riding on his bicycle, he'd ride past my dorm as if "by accident" and pretend to be surprised to see me. I liked the attention but was cautious about his wild, dynamic personality. He had a charming way with words which would charm any girl. Fear came over me when I started to fal in love. His exciting "bad boy image" was just too tempting to resist. What was it that attracted me? I always had an excel ent reputation. My concentration was solely on my st...