- 1 - 《新编电子商务英语》期终复习参考资料Unit 1 E-Business Basics I. Questions:p.21. What is the difference between e-Commerce and e-Business?Electronic commerce, B2C, or e-Commerce refers to online sales. Electronic business or e-Business, on the other hand, refers to more than just selling online. 2. What can you do by using the Internet? Collect vital business information related to your costumers and competitors; Increase awareness about your company; Streamline communication and improve customer service; . Improve productivity and reduce costs; and Sell your products on line . 3. What are the common ways to get started using e-Business?Make your mark on the web; Leverage email; Embrace e-procurement; and Investigate e-Commerce. II. Exercises:p.2Translate the following into Chinese: 1. When searching information on line, the user can then either start browsing the website listed, or can narrow the results further by searching within those results for another keyword. 使用者在线搜索信息时,可先开始浏览经初步搜索后罗列出的网站,也可再用一个关键词将此结果进一步搜索以缩小浏览范围。2. Out-of-pocket costs can be reduced further by implementing a readily updatable website, instead of printed materials that have a short shelf-life, to relay pertinent information to your customer base. 建设一个便于更新的网站来取代使用周期短暂的印刷型资料,以便将相关信息持续不断地传送给您的客房群,则成本费用可进一步减少。3. Today’s Internet is a powerful way for business to communicate with their - 2 - customers and clients, including e-mail, instant messaging, and developing the websites of the company. 当今的互联网,包括电子邮件、即时讯息和公司网站,乃是公司同顾客和客户间强有力的联系方式。Translate the following into English:p.21. 作为一个网站,搜索引擎的最初目的是为收集和发布互...