新生儿无乳链球菌感染的临床特点及药物敏感性分析[摘要] 目的了解新生儿无乳链球菌感染的临床特征和菌株耐药性,为国内新生儿B 群链球菌 (Group B streptococci ,GBS)感染的预防性治疗和抗生素合理选用提供数据支持。方法纳入 40 例分离出 GBS 菌株的新生儿,对临床特征和常见抗生素的耐药性进行分析。结果患儿分离出的无乳链球菌对青霉素、氨苄西林、头孢噻肟、奎奴普丁/达福普汀、万古霉素、替加环素、利奈唑胺和复方磺胺的敏感性很好,耐药率最高的是红霉素(72.29%),其次是克林霉素(59.85%)。对喹诺酮类药物的耐药率也较高。结论我国常规开展孕妇产道GBS 筛查的地区极少,产道定植性GBS 导致新生儿严重感染的可能性增加,西宁地区婴幼儿分离出的GBS 菌株对大环内酯类抗生素的耐药率也较高,因此,正确把握新生儿GBS 感染的临床特征,早期诊断并选择合理的抗生素有利于改善新生儿预后。[关键词 ] 无乳链球菌,新生儿,临床特征,耐药Clinical Characteristics and Drug Resistance Analysis of Neonatal Streptococcus Lactarius Infection[Abstract] Objective:To know the clinical features and drug resistance of neonates who infected with Streptococcus agalactiae . Methods : 40 neonates were included in our research, from who the Streptococcus agalactiae were separated, clinical features and drug resistance were analyzed. Results :All the strains have a high sensitivity to Penicillin, ampicillin, cefotaxime, quinupristin / dalfopristin, vancomycin, tigecycline, linezolid and sulfamethoxazole. Erythromycin resistance rate was the highest (72.29%) , secondly Clindamycin (59.85%). They also have a high resistente rate to Quinolone. Conclusions : There ’ s rare region of China which carrying out routine GBS screening of pregnant women. The rate of neonates infected by GBS increases. The GBS trains isolated from neonates in Xining have a high resistant rate to common antibiotic. Therefore, the correct assessment of the clinical features of neonates who are infected by GBS, and...