

注意事项 Part 1 Cloze (with four choices provided) (每小题:2.5 分) Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices given for each blank. Questions 1 to 20 are based on the following passage. When I was growing up, I went to Catholic (天主教的) school. Some people think that Catholic schools are 1. for cultivating religious beliefs. However, many Catholic schools concentrate on 2. the behavior of kids who have done poorly in public schools. In public schools there are 3. rules. Rules are plentiful at Catholic schools, and someone is always making sure they are 4. . Most people believe that nuns (修女) are kind women who have 5. their lives to their religion. Our headmaster, Sister Mary Elizabeth, was the meanest woman I 6. met. She smoked and 7. and carried a ruler through the halls. She'd use it to hit students who were not 8. . She even kept an even bigger stick in the storage closet in the gym. When a student 9. someone, she had a solution. The same solution existed for a student who had poor 10. . And if a student was too 11. or did something wrong, they were not sent to the headmaster's office. 12. , they were sent to the gym closet. I went to the gym closet once. The room was 1 3 . lit when I arrived. It was also 1 4 . with cigarette smoke when I got there. Sister Mary Elizabeth's constant bad 1 5 . was even worse that day. It happened that her 1 6 . baseball team, which she had bet on, lost. The experience really 1 7 . me. That's how it 1 8 . with most students. They took their 1 9 . once and were too frightened to do anything wrong again. Some people say that this experience teaches students the ...

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