《新视野商务英语(上)》课程教案 主讲教师 任课班级 授课时间 学 时 8 学时 教学题目 unit one customers 教学目的 make the students fully understand the business matters, the key words and sentences, and also the usage of some important words and expressions. master the grammar mentioned in the text. 教学重点 the key wordsof the whole text, the usage of some expressions. 教学难点 the comprehension of some of the difficult sentences. 教学方法 double-side teaching method and student-centered teaching method 教学内容 see the following pages 教研室: 系部: 教务处: Unit 1 Customers Objectives When the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to providing information on customers and service collecting information on customers and service. Language focus Direct and indirect forms Pronunciation : weak and strong form Skills Writing: capital letters Reading: kwit-Fit advertisement Listening: customer service Business Communication Making offers Key Vocabulary Customers goods services repeat business customer loyalty code of practice customer care service Lead-in 1. what does each company offer the customer? 2. what other examples of good customers care can you think of? Words and expression: In person : by themselves Hampers: n. packing-case or basket with a lid ,esp one used for sending food. Balance: capital Optional: which may be chosen or not as one wishes; not compulsory Assembly: mass come together Language Focus Sentences and clauses ① Direct and indirect questions 直接疑问句和间接疑问句 Use We usually use direct questions to get information. 通常用直接疑问句来获得信息 How much does it cost? Does the company have a code of practice? We use indirect questions to ask ‘ difficult’ or personal q...