下载后可任意编辑英语采购合同审核要点Key points for reviewing an English procurement contract include:1. Scope of the Contract: Ensure the contract clearly outlines the goods or services being purchased, including quantity, quality, and specifications.2. Pricing and Payment Terms: Review the pricing structure, including unit prices, total cost, and any applicable taxes or fees. Confirm the payment terms, such as deposit requirements, milestone payments, and the currency of payment.3. Delivery and Acceptance: Check the delivery schedule, shipping terms, and any penalties for late delivery. Verify the process for inspecting and accepting the goods or services upon delivery.4. Warranties and Indemnities: Review any warranties provided by the supplier, as well as any indemnification clauses that outline the responsibilities of each party in the event of a breach of contract.5. Intellectual Property Rights: Ensure the contract addresses ownership of any intellectual property created as part of the procurement, as well as any licensing or usage rights.6. Dispute Resolution: Confirm the process for resolving any disputes that may arise during the contract term, including mediation, arbitration, or litigation procedures.7. Termination and Renewal: Review the conditions under which the contract can be terminated, as well as any options for renewal or extension.8. Compliance and Governing Law: Check for clauses related to compliance with laws and regulations, as well as 下载后可任意编辑the governing law and jurisdiction in the event of a legal dispute.9. Confidentiality and Data Protection: Ensure the contract includes provisions for protecting confidential information and complying with data protection regulations.10. Insurance and Lia...