下载后可任意编辑英语的宾格形式The objective case in English refers to the form of a pronoun or noun that is used as the object of a verb or preposition. In English, the objective case is used when the pronoun or noun is the recipient of the action of the verb or the object of a preposition.For pronouns, the objective case is often marked by a change in form. For example, the objective form of "I" is "me," the objective form of "he" is "him," and the objective form of "she" is "her." Similarly, "we" becomes "us" in the objective case, and "they" becomes "them."In the case of nouns, the objective form is the same as the nominative form, except for certain pronouns like "who" and "whom." "Who" is in the nominative case, and "whom" is in the objective case.In English, the objective case is used in various grammatical constructions, such as direct and indirect objects, objects of prepositions, and objects of infinitives. For example, in the sentence "She gave me a book," "me" is in the objective case as the recipient of the action "gave." In the sentence "They are talking about him," "him" is in the objective case as the object of the preposition "about."The use of the objective case is important for maintaining grammatical accuracy and clarity in English. Using the correct form of pronouns and nouns in the objective case helps to convey the intended meaning and structure of a sentence.In summary, the objective case in English is the form of a pronoun or noun that is used as the object of a verb or preposition. It is important to use the objective case correctly in order to convey the intended meaning and maintain grammatical accuracy in English.下载后可任意编辑英语的宾格形式是指代词或名...