下载后可任意编辑苏州市厂包客运合同(示范文本)Suzhou Factory Lease Car Contract (Sample)苏州市交通运输协会厂包客运分会制定By the Factory Lease Car Transport Branch of Suzhou Transportation Association 苏州市交通运输协会厂包客运分会示范合同The Sample Contract of Factory Lease Car Transport Branch of Suzhou Transportation Association下载后可任意编辑苏州市厂包客运合同(示范文本)Suzhou Factory Lease Car Contract (Sample)(合同编号: )(Contract No. )甲方(Party A):乙方(Party B):甲方因企业需要,向乙方租用客运包车,由乙方提供车辆和司机接送甲方员工上、下班,双方经友好协商,就包车租赁有关事宜,订立合同条款如下:Party A shall lease cars from Party B for own use. Party B shall be responsible to provide Party A with lease car and the relevant driver service. Based on the friendly consultation of Parties A and B, both parties have entered into the Contract as follows:第一条 承运人要求ARTICLE I Requirements for Carriers乙方必须具备履行本合同所要求的营运资质和相应设备、设施、人员等条件。Party B shall possess the qualifications such as operation qualification, relevant equipment, facilities, and staff, required by this contract.第二条 承运车辆ARTICLE II Cars for Leasing乙方向甲方提供 (厂牌车辆类型等级) 辆厂包车,车号为 ,载客数 座,车辆每日运行圈次为 圈。Party B shall be responsible to provide Party A with________________(brand, type, grade)______(number) cars; cars NO._______________; seat capacity__________seats; daily number of runs_________.车辆附属设施配制要求 。Requirements for the attached facilities _______________________________.甲方需要增加使用其他车辆的,乙方应尽力配合,双方另行签订合同。Party B shall meet needs raised by Party A in using more cars as far as possible.In such case, the two parties are required to sign another contract.第三条 包车期限ARTICLE III Term of Lease包车期限为 ...