下载后可任意编辑职场商务英语写作:英语代理协议书合同模板合同(Contract),是平等的当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议。随着国内企业与海外公司合作越来越频繁,企业对英语合同也越来越重视,因为在翻译的过程中往往会产生一些让人误会的地方,要解决这些后顾之忧就需要专业的合同模板。在本篇文章中,安格英语老师提供的是一般代理协议书的合同模板,假如大家在平常工作中有机会接触到这方面的内容,建议大家可以保存下来为日后的工作带去便利。Name of Manufacturer: ____________________SUNSHINE_______________________________Registered office address: __________________________________________________________(Hereinafter called the Manufacturer).Name of Agent: _______________________RAINBOW TRADING CO.LTD_____________________Registered office address: __________________________________________________________(Hereinafter called the Agent).1. Appointment:The Agent shall be appointed the ship repair agent in area _________________________________2. Duties of the Agent:The Agent shall:(1) Request price enquiries for vessels and ship-repairing from ship-owner of Area and redirect them to SUNSHINE;(2) Advise on general market conditions in the Area;(3) Assist in the arrangement of business activities of sales personnel;(4) Regularly conduct market research on behalf of the manufacturer;(5) Assist the manufacturer (without involvement in legal proceeding unless otherwise agreed upon) in the collection of debts;(6) Report on his activities in the Area to SUNSHINE in the agreed form.3. The Area: For the purpose of clarification, SUNSHINE shall send to the Agent a list of owners in the Agent’s ---------------------------------------------------------精品 文档---------------------------------------------------------------------下载后可任意编辑Area and the Agent shall review this list suggesting any additions or amendments which SUNSHINE shall ...