下载后可任意编辑工程实施合同书Construction Contract合同编号/Contract No: 甲方:上海凌科智能科技有限公司Party A:Shanghai Airlink Technologies Ltd.负责人:程亮Representative: Mr. Cheng Liang, Title: General Manager地址:上海市淮海西路 55 号 2 楼 C 座Add: C,2F,Sun Tong Infoport Plaza,55,Huai Hai Xi Road,Shangha电话/Tel:61611800传真/Fax: 54902164 邮编/Post Code: 200030乙方:Party B: Havensafe负责人:Representative: Paul Schofield地址: Add: Suite 1702, 343-357 Pitt Street Sydney, NSW Australia.电话/Tel:+61292670669 传真/Fax:+61292670662 邮编/Post Code:2000乙方银行帐号:Details of Party B’s Bank Account:Payee Name: 1下载后可任意编辑Bank Name:RMB Account No: 甲、乙双方就 杭州道富 安保系统工程的调试、资料、培训等事项的具体实施问题,为明确双方的职责、义务和权利,根据国家及上海市有关法律、法规,双方经友好协商,订立以下合同条款。This contract(referred to as the Contract) is entered into by and between SSB (referred to as Party A hereinafter) and Shanghai Airlink Technologies Ltd. (referred to as Party B) for the testing and commissioning, training and as built of security system of .(referred to as the owner) in accordance with the principles of related laws of the People’s Republic of China and the municipal stipulations of Shanghai Government and on the basis of the following terms and conditions:第一款 工程概况工程名称: 杭州道富 工程地点: 杭州1. The Project 1.1 Project Name: SSB1.2 Project Location: Hang zhou第二款工程实施内容安保系统的调试、资料、培训等事项。1. Work ScopeEquipment testing and commissioning, training and as built of Security System.第三款 施工工期本工程的施工期为本合同签订后 6 个月(不包括验收时间)。1. Construction PeriodThe construction period is within six months upon signature of the contract (excluding time for testing and commissioning.)第四款 调试和...