下载后可任意编辑美国面签问题总结 1、 赴美目的?你这次去美国做什么?What are you going to do in USA? What will you do in USA?What kinds of activities you will take part in during your stay in USA?你这次去美国有什么目的?What’s your purpose of traveling (visiting or going) to USA?What’s your purpose of this winter camp? Why you want to attend this winter camp? 参考答案:熟练口语;I would like to practise (exercise) my oral English. 参加冬令营;I’m very interested in all (different) kinds of activities of this winter camp.学习美式英语;I want to study American English 参观美国名校、感受名校氛围;I am very happy to visit American famous colleges and experience the studying atmosphere.游览美国名胜风景;I would like to enjoy wonderful sightseeing of America. 体验美国教育环境;文档下载后可任意编辑To experience American educational environment 与美国同龄人沟通;(文化、音乐、娱乐、生活、学习 etc)To communicate with American peers in many aspects such as culture, music, entertainment, life style and studying as well.让美国朋友进一步认识、了解中国。To introduce China to American friends, let them understand china better2、你是从哪里了解这次冬令营的活动?Q:Where are you aware of the activities? (How did you hear about this winter camp?)Where are you aware of this winter camp ?A:In the NewOrientalSchool to learn English/On the site/Advertisements/By myClassmate introduction (When I was learning English in NewOrientalSchool)3、你在新东方学校学习了多久?Q:How long have you learnt English in new oriental school?A:A month/(根据实际情况回答)4、你参加的这个活动费用是多少,是谁承担这个费用的?Q:How much does this winter camp cost? And who is paying for you?A:It costs RMB32, 800. My parents are paying it for me.5、你之前参加过类似的活动吗?(假如参加过请出示照片等)Q:H...