下载后可任意编辑电脑买卖及售后服务协议 (中英文)(2024-12-14 07:36:15) 转载▼标签: 电脑买卖协议杂谈分类: 买卖补偿贸易合同 电脑买卖及售后服务协议 (中英文) AGREEMENT OF COMPUTER PURCHASE AND MAINTENANCE 甲 方(买受人):Party A (the buyer) 乙 方 (出卖人):Party B:(the seller) 根据甲乙双方友好协商,并依据《中华人民共和国合同法》规定,就甲方办公电脑由乙方进行销售安装,特签订本合同。双方遵守以下条款:Through friendly consultation by parties hereto,and in accordence to the provisions of People's Republic of China Law of Contract, parties hereto conclude and inter into this contract on the party B’s sale and installment of computer to party A for observance of parties hereto. 一、乙方售出的电脑应通过专业人员测试,符合国家《产品质量法》、《标准化法》相关规定,器材于售出前都在设备的特定位置贴有保修封条。All computers sold by party B are tested by professional and conform to the related prescriptions of Law of Product Quality and Law of Standardization. Prior to sale of computer and other equipments the maintenance seal shall gluded on the special place on sold equipment. 二、售出的器材,都由乙方专业人员传授器材的使用方法,必要时并作适当的技术培训。The application method with the sold equipments shall be provided by party B’s professional. At any necessary appropriate technical training shall be made for party A. 下载后可任意编辑 三、所有器材自售出即日起,一年内由器材本身质量所产生的故障,将实行:Any failure or malfunction due to equipment’s itself from and on the date of selling will be treated by ways as below: 1、三个月保换;Exchange same model product within three months from the date of selling. 2、三年内免费保修;Maintenance free of charge within three years form the date of selling; 四、从系统验收后起,三个月的保用期内,若因设备本身质量问题发生故障,乙方予以更换同型号新产品;Whe...