For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use The truth is women are always attracted to guys with unique and interesting personalities. In order to be successful with women, you have to know the right kind of characteristics to display to women. In the next few minutes, you'll learn the most important personality traits to display that will draw women to you. Take a look and see if you're doing something wrong! 女人事实上总是会被男人独特而有趣的特质吸引。为了成功地吸引女人,你必须知道应该将自己的哪一面展现在她们面前。在接下来的短短时间里,你将会学到吸引女人最该具备的特质。看看你是不是有哪些地方做得不对! Personality Trait 1 Do: Confidence 自信 Whenever you're talking to women, you have to show absolute confidence in yourself. No matter what happens or comes up, you should act like it doesn't faze you. A confident guy can roll with the punchesand handle himself in all situations. 无论什么时候和女人接触都必须表现得绝对自信。不管发生什么事情,无论出现什么状况,你都应该表现得毫不担忧。一个自信的人可以收放自如、从容应对各种局面。 Don't: Being Clingy And Insecure. 粘乎乎,不自信 By "clingy," I don't mean physically touchy-feely--although womencan be turned off by such behavior. But being psychologically clingy is even worse. You're psychologically clingy when you never leave her side when you're walking around the department store, or when you keep asking if she likes you or if you're her type. This kind of insecurity make women think you're a pest. 这里的 " 粘乎乎 " 并非指身体上的过于卿卿我我-- 尽管这种行为也有可能不招女人待见。心理上的粘乎乎更糟糕。其表现为:当你们逛百货商场时,你寸步不离她左右;或者你老是问她是否爱你,或问你是不是她想要的那种类型。这种不自信会让女人觉得你很烦。 Personality Trait 2 Do: Desirable "花花公子 " Women like guys ...