文献出处: Hand L. The study of the cultivation of clean government in Singapore [J]. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 2015, 12(3): 362-372. 原文The study of the cultivation of clean government in Singapore Hand L. Abstract Corruption is an international problem, countries have accumulated rich experience in the process of corruption. Is a model of the cultivation of clean government in Singapore, strict legal system and the rule of law system against corruption, anti-corruption agencies in the specialized, comprehensive supervision mechanism, effective honest cultural construction is a basic experience of the cultivation of clean government of Singapore. Perfect the relevant legal system measures, set up independent anti-corruption agencies, strengthen the supervision of the social from all walks of life, strengthen anti-corruption education, etc., the stereoscopic anti-corruption measures should become the main exploration direction to build a clean government. Keywords: Cultivation of clean government; Citizen Participation; Power restriction 1 Introduction Singapore from Malaysia in 1965, the establishment of the republic of Singapore % % after decades of development has become a new modern country., in the history of Singapore was once a rampant corruption (island of rampant corruption, lee kuan yew's people's action party to realize the seriousness of the problem and urgency of corruption, determined to fight corruption % to the cultivation of clean government as the governance of the country's top priority. After a long period to build a clean government and combat corruption has become the most non-corrupt Asian economies of Singapore, in transparency international's 2013 corruption perceptions index global rank...