ROHS 环保承诺书致彩虹奥特姆(香港)集团有限公司:为加入贵司的绿色环保供应链,我司承诺供应给贵司的全部物料,皆符合欧盟《有关在电子电器设备中严禁使用某些有害物质指令》(/95/EC)规定。若违反以上 ROHS 指令原则,我司乐意承当因我司所供物料引发的一切责任。我司承诺提供应贵司的报告、测试数据真是有效,符合最新 ROHS 指令规定。 承诺方(盖章): 授权代表人(签名): 订立日期: 年 月 日Guarantee of the ROHSWith the notice, we provide you with a guarantee for the products or materials that we deliver to Irico Aotom(Hong Kong)Holdings Co., LTD based on directive /95/EC of the European parliament and of the council on the Restriction of certain Hazardous Substances (ROSH) in electrical and electronic equipment. We would like to take responsibility for any disobedience and superscale Hazardous Substances with this directive. Our company promises to provide your company's report, test data is really and effective, and accord with the new regulations. Guarantee company(seal): Sign: Date:附件1:供应商有害物质管理表Environment-related substances to be controlled ListVender___________________Structural Drawing: Approved By: ___________________ Checked By: __________________ Prepared By: ____________Part NameItemComponent HomogeneousMaterialsRawMaterial SupplierTestingCompanyTest No.ReportDateCdData(ppm)PbData(ppm)HgData(ppm)Cr+6Data(ppm)PBBsData(ppm)PBDEsData(ppm)Remark