下载后可任意编辑派遣 MCO 人员到 PTCN 有限公司伊拉克分公司的协议 AGREEMENT FOR THE ASSIGNMENT OF MCO PERSONNEL TO THE PTCN COMPANY LIMITED IRAQ BRANCHTable of Contents ARTICLE 1: Definitions and references. 31.1 Definitions. 3ARTICLE 2: Terms of ASSIGNment. 32.1 Assignment. 32.2 Conduct. 32.3 Status of MCO and its Assigned Personnel. 32.4 Permits. 32.5 PTCN Assistance. 32.6 MCO’s Assistance. 32.7 Change of Location or Services. 32.8 Training for MCO Assigned Personnel. 32.9 Vacation, Sickness, Disability. 32.10 Restriction on Solicitation.2.11 Requests for Information. 3ARTICLE 3: Costs. 3下载后可任意编辑3.1 Responsibilities of MCO. 33.2 Monthly Charge. 33.3 Relocation Costs. 33.4 Procedure. 33.5 Assignee Business Expense. 33.6 Audit and Certification. 33.7 Currency Conversion and Translation. 33.8 Offsetting Charges. 33.9 PTCN Provided Annual Performance Bonus Plan. 33.10 Operating Account Costs. 3ARTICLE 4: Liability and Indemnity. 34.1 Liability and Indemnity - General. 34.2 MCO’s Employees. 34.3 Notice of Claim and Opportunity to Defend. 34.4 Scope of Indemnities. 3ARTICLE 5: Confidentiality. 35.1 Confidential Information. 35.2 Breach of Confidentiality. 35.3 Intellectual Property. 3ARTICLE 6: Duration. 36.1 Duration of Assignment. 36.2 PTCN's Right to Terminate the Assignment. 3下载后可任意编辑6.3 MCO’s Right to Terminate the Assignment. 3ARTICLE 7: Miscellaneous. 37.1 Assignment. 37.2 Heading of Articles. 37.3 Confidentiality. 37.4 Counterparts. 37.5 Governing Law. 37.6 Dispute Resolution. 37.7 No Third Person Beneficiaries. 37.8 Notice. 37.9 Severability. 37.10 Waivers. 37.11 Conflict 7.12 Entire Agreement 3ATTACHMENT A - FORM OF ASSIGNEE DESIGNATION.. 3ATTACHMENT B - FORM OF LETTER OF ASSIGNMENT. 3 下载后可任意编辑 AGREEMENT F...