下载后可任意编辑模具保管协议Mould Keeping Agreement 合同号/ Contract No. 甲方: (hereinafter “Party A”)乙方: (hereinafter “Party B”)Individually called Party A and Party B respectively and/or the “Party” and together, called the “Parties”.经过友好协商和在公平、平等的原则基础上,双方约定如下:After friendly consultations and proceeding on principles of fairness and equality, the Parties have agreed the following:一、保管模具内容/Mould Info.二、模具价格表/Mould Price List模具名称Mould Description计量数量Quantity单价(人民币)Unit Price(RMB)总价(人民币)Total Price(RMB)单位Unit¥¥¥¥ 合计 Total Amount¥合计人民币金额(大写):Total Amount(Capital):以上价格已含 17%的增值税. The above prices include 17% VAT.三、保管约定/Commitment1) 甲方将如上的模具寄存于乙方。所有寄存模具的所有权归甲方所有。非经甲方书面同意,乙方不得为自己或他人复制或仿制该模具。Party A puts the above moulds in Party B. The ownership of the storage moulds belongs to Party A. Party B cannot copy or imitate the moulds for itself or for others without the written permission of Party A.2) 乙方承诺不去掉寄存模具上的名称和标记,并将这些寄存模具与其它企业的物品分开存放,使这些寄存模具能够很容易地被辨别出来。Party B promises not to remove the name and marks on the storage moulds and keep them separately with other items in order that they can be identified easily.3) 任何寄存于乙方的本约模具只能由受过专门培训的员工使用和操作。除正常磨损外,乙方承诺对这些寄存模具进行维护以使其保持良好的状态,且保管期间发生的一切费用由乙方承担。在保管或使用这些寄存模具时,乙方要为这些模具投保,保险金额应等同于这些寄存模具的替换成本,若有丢失或损坏,则以同等价格赔付给甲方。Only specially trained staff can use and operate the moulds. In addition to normal wear and tear, Party B promises to maintain the storage moulds in order to keep them in good 下载后可任...