下载后可任意编辑新时期军队管理要坚持以人为 内 容 摘 要:军队是社会的组成部分,是构成和谐社会的一个重要单元。努力构建和谐军营,一个十分重要的方面就是大力发扬我军官兵一致的优良传统,密切官兵关系。总的来说,在新时期军队的风气是好的,内部关系是融洽的,但在一些单位也存在着少数干部骨干不能公正待兵、真心爱兵的问题。[找我一六四五一五六九七,100%保你成功]这些问题的存在不利于密切官兵关系,一定程度上影响了军队建设进展。开展保持共产党员先进性教育活动,应当把解决官兵关系中存在的问题作为整改的一项重要内容,军队严格管理的同时也应坚持以人为本。 【关键词】新时期,军队,管理 ,以人为本 排版要求:页边距上、下、右都是 2 厘米,左边距 2.5 厘米。1.5 倍行间距。 Abstract (行政管理本科论文需要有英文摘要) The military is an integral part of society, a harmonious society constitutes an important element. Efforts to build a harmonious camp, a very important aspect is to vigorously carry forward the fine traditions of our military officers and men, close relations between officers and men. Overall, the military culture in the new period is good, the internal relations are harmonious, but there are some units can not just be a small number of cadres and soldiers, the backbone, really love soldiers. These problems are not conducive to closer relations between officers and men, to some extent affected the development of military construction. Keep the educational campaign should be to solve the existing relationship between officers and men of the issue as an important part of the rectification, the army should be accompanied by strict management adhere to people-oriented. Keywords : in the new period, the military, management, people-oriented 目 录 一、 新时期军队管理中问题的来源与形成………………………………………………1 (一) 家庭情况影响人的观念问题…………………………………………………………1 (二) 不同的时期士兵的思想也会发...