数理与信息工程学院软件工程专业(中外合作办学)本科教学计划Undergraduate Education Programme For Software Engineering(China-UK Cooperation), College of Mathematics Physics and Information Engineering 一、培养目标和基本规格(Goals And Specification)(一)培养目标本专业为中英合作办学项目,引进英国伍斯特大学的优质教学资源,提升学生软件工程项目研发与管理能力,培养具有良好的职业素养、扎实的专业基础和较强的工程实施能力,能胜任软件开发、软件测试、软件项目管理和软件外包服务等领域专业工作,为软件产业培养具有国际化视野的复合型软件工程技术人才和软件工程管理人才。可继续攻读中英双方本学科及相关学科的硕士学位。GoalsThe Programme is a China-UK cooperation programme, which aims at combining the best educational resources from ZJNU and Worcester University to serve our students. The focus of the programme degree is to provide good education in modern software engineering, to make students equipped with good professional qualities, solid knowledge foundation and good practical abilities in software engineering field, so that students will meet the needs of industry or academia. The overall goals of the Bachelor of the programme are: To prepare students for software engineering positions(ex. Testing, Project Management, Development in Software) in industry or government. To prepare students for graduate study in Software Engineering or other relative disciplines. To provide a solid foundation in Computer Science and Software Engineering principles that will allow graduates to adapt effectively in a quickly changing field.(二)基本规格热爱祖国,遵纪守法,敬业爱岗,乐于奉献,勇于创新,团结合作。有良好的思想品德、社会公德和职业道德,有理想,有强烈的社会责任感。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1.精通英语,具备良好的阅读、理解和撰写外语资料的能力和进行国际化交流的能力。2.具有扎实的数学基础,掌握计算机软件技术领域的基本理论和基本知识。3...