1 新版广州版初一英语下册 Unit6 教学目标: 一、 常见单词考查及运用 单词翻译 水龙头 (使)冻结 旅行;行程 直到„„为止 宝贵的 海洋 咸的 可饮用的 出了毛病的 使混合 粉末 普通的 污染 正式的 组织 过程 二、 课文重点,难点分析 1、 “Turn that tap off,”a voice said loudly. 一个声音大声地说:“关掉水龙头。” ※turn off “关掉,截断(电源,水,煤气等) 当你离开房间的时候,记得要关灯。 Remember to when you leave the room. 2、Remember not to waste or pollute me. 记得不要浪费和污染我(水) Don’t forget to drive the car on the left in Britain. = drive the car on the right in Britain. 3、I waited here until you called me. 我在那儿一直等到你叫我。 ※ not „ until„ : 直到 „„ 才„„ 他一直玩电脑游戏,直到爸爸回来。 He played computer games . 昨晚直到十二点我妈妈才回家。 My mother twelve o’clock last night. 2 4、If you leave the water running while you wash the dishes „ 如果你洗盘子的时候让水一直流的话„ ※leave sb/sth doing “让某人或者某物处于某种状态” 不要让他在雨中一直等着。 Don’t in the rain. 5、They are too small to see. 盐粒太小了,以至于(我们肉眼)看不见。 ※ too „ to „ “太„而不能„” 他激动得说不出话来。 He is a word. 6、 At the end, it says that people should save water instead of wasting it, because it is valuable. 文章最后说,人们应该节约水而不应该浪费水,因为它很珍贵。 ※instead of We sometimes eat noodles rice. = We sometimes don’t eat rice. We eat noodles . 7、Daisy froze, she looked around „ 黛西惊呆了,她环顾四周„ ※look around “环顾,四下查看” 人们走出家门四下查看。 People came out of their house and . 8、This is enough to fill 65 cans of soft drink! 这(些水)足够去装满65个饮料易拉罐。 ※ enough “足够” ○1 用作形容词 “足够的” ,常位于名词前 3 船上有足够的水供给我们。 In the boat for all of us. ○2用作副词, “充分地,...