Lesson 1, a private conversation Private 私人的 1, 内容不足为大众知晓 A:How much money do you make a year? 一年挣钱多少 B:Well, this is our first-time dating. Do you have an interest in me or in my money我们第一次约会,你对我有兴趣还是对我的钱又兴趣? *** Income, marital status and religion----- these are three private things that people care about. 收入,婚姻状况以及宗教信仰,这三个隐私人们很在意 Age, weight and height are three private things that girls care about 年龄,身高,体重是女孩子在意的三个隐私 爱恋帅哥have a (huge)crush on a cute boy 媒人,红娘“go-between” “ match-maker” 漂亮女孩希望私下里见帅哥,要求我做牵线人A pretty girl wanted to meet the cute boy in private and asked me to be the go-between. ** do sth in private 私下里做了某事 They met in private, talked about everything and left me totally in the dark 他们私下见面,谈好了一切,我一无所知 两家企业有合作,我是牵线人 There is cooperation between the two companies. And I am the go-between/match-maker. *** personal=private 不足为外人知晓的//涉及个人的,不是工作上的 要给女朋友打电话,小舅子接听了 You wanted to call your girl friend but your brother-in-law picked up phone. 她现在不在,有事请留言She is out/not in at the moment. Can I take a message?// you can leave a message 有点私事,稍候打来。” Well, it’s a bit personal/it’s a bit private. I will call later Personal /private affairs 私事 A: Why are you here? 你来这里干嘛---〉what brings you here? 什么风把你吹来了 B: I am here for some personal/private affairs 我来这里有些私事 You are not supposed to be here 你怎么在这里? (质问,责备,不应该) He is supposed to be here right now. 他现在应该到场 (埋怨) *** 2,私有的,私用的 私人物品private/personal stuff.(小东西共通,大东西用private) 私宅 a private mansion mansion...